
Showing posts from September, 2011

luv u 2 - a mobile story

The mobile rang once again. She hit the silence button. ‘Why doesn’t he ever stop?' No answer again. He puts his phone down, frustrated and hopeless. ‘If at all she answers my call, I’m going to tell her I hate her.’ “ Ths isn’t d right time 2 talk ”, she texts him. “I hate u”, came the reply. She frowned.  ‘He’s mad..But what option do I have?’                 Pallavi looks at the mobile Srikanth got her the last time they met. It wasn’t a gift; rather a necessity. That black  `  899 phone was their only means of communication. She slid it under the table and looked up. The Chemistry lecturer was giving the class, notes which least interested her. Good thing she was sitting in a place seldom noticed.   *****                 But  Sahana did. She noticed the way the girl beside her kep...